- We want to wait upon God and call upon Him that He would reveal to us and fill us with an understanding of His will and purpose for LCF. Last week in the Sunday service we organized some small groups which will focus on particular areas of our life together. Each group will work out for itself ways to encourage and join in prayer together. Following is a list of the groups formed last Sunday. I've listed a contact person for each group who is helping coordinate plans and activities for the group. If you are not yet part of a group, please contact the person listed or reply to this e-mail. Most groups were making plans to occasionally get together for prayer ... but whether alone in your closet, across the table from a friend, or in a circle with your group; the important thing is to pray! Of course, it is not necessary to be in a group in order to join in praying for LCF but we very much desire that our Life together include prayer together.
- Family, youth, children - Relationships & Body Life at LCF.
- Worship - LCF as a worshipping community. Steve Kuchenski (
- Prayer & Intercession - LCF calling upon the Lord for our needs & His provision. Linda Zych (
- LCF organization, budget, & financial plans - We will be having discussion & making decisions about things in this area. Manish Desai (
- Placement & Gifting - Finding our individual place & employing gifts for edification at LCF. Sean Clancy (
- Missions & Ministry - The ministry & mission which LCF should undertake & support. Becky Scoon (
- God's Word - The presence & working of God's Word at LCF. Roger VanSpronsen (
The Lord is blessing us in wonderful & manifold ways.
Remember to share the life with one another.